Movies to kick back to after cleaning.
BY: Dustin Vaughn 08-06-2020I love movies, I especially love watching a movie once my wife and I have just finished cleaning up the house. Something about the home being put together and sitting on the freshly vacuumed couch with a cheese and bread plate feels so rewarding. So I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite movies that have moved me deeply. I hope they inspire you as much as they have inspired me.

Maidentrip (2013)
14-year-old Laura Dekker sets out on a two-year voyage in pursuit of her dream to become the youngest person ever to sail around the world alone. This Documentary is inspiring, it shows you the strength a young human can find when striving for something they love. I have never wanted to sail more in my life than after seeing this movie.
Wall-E (2008)
Ok, so everyone knows this movie (or should know this movie!) , it’s got a great message about taking care of not just our planet, but ourselves too. The importance of connecting to one another to build something beautiful. It’s not easy to change, but if you can find that love within yourself, then that change is already happening!
Brick (2005)
It’s a hard-boiled detective movie set around highschoolers. That may sound strange, and it is, but the reward you’ll get after watching this film is unmatched. I had to watch it twice in a row because I felt I wasn’t paying enough attention the first time. It’s laid back and yet will put you right on the edge of your seat at times. The stakes are high for characters so young and you’ll feel yourself looking back at your own youth and connecting to those feelings of thrill and wonder at unraveling a mystery. Plus, it’s got Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the lead, nuff’ said.
Planet Earth (2006-)
This series always blows my mind with how incredible our world is, it reminds me of the importance of taking care and nurturing our planet, because we’re not the only ones living on it. Get lost in the deep Tundra and her magnificent Polar Bears, or the foggy rainforests with bright birds and loud monkeys. My personal favorite, the Deep Ocean, where life looks more alien than real life. Great messages about how to take care of this beautiful planet are sprinkled within, plus it’s Dave Attenborough's voice throughout the series, and that’s hard to beat.

Happy (2012)
Happy takes us on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy. This compelling Documentary is for anyone who thinks they're happy, anyone who's ever been depressed, anyone who's tasted happiness and then watched it slip out of their fingers, anyone who feels like they've spent their whole life chasing happiness, and especially for anyone who's given up on happiness or are feeling like they want to give up. Dig within yourself and ask,”Am I happy?”. Whatever your answer, this film will show you why and it’s filled with research and the science of happiness.
The Science of Sleep (2006)
Michel Gondry (director of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) takes us on a surreal trip through the thoughts of a lonely creative man. His outlandish daydreams are interrupted by a beautiful woman that stumbles into his life. This movie is a trip and can be hard to follow through all the colorful designs. It’s wonderfully messy and strikingly beautiful, don’t read too much about it before diving in, just enjoy the exhibit.
Fly Away Home (1996)
Fly Away Home” tells the story of a 13-year-old girl who solos in an ultralight aircraft to lead a flight of pet geese from Canada to the American South. It’s a beautiful story to watch with your loved ones, and if you’re like me it will become a movie you’ll watch again and again for the feel good tear-jerking moments. Who doesn’t want to watch Geese succeed?
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