Your astrological forecast May Monthly Horoscope

With the quick arrival of spring there are a lot of astrology updates awaiting in the stars for you during the month of May. So instead of hanging on for dear life, here is your astrological forecast to stay calm, cool, and collected amongst all this astrological movement.

Jupiter Enters Aries on May on May 10th

The matchmaker planet of Jupiter is finally making its way out of the depths of Pisces and into the cardinal sign of Aries. This isn’t a slow and steady exit out of the water, it’s a cannonball off the high dive hoping you remembered how to swim. Jupiter is serving you a dose of courage for the upcoming months reminding you to be bold in what you desire.

Mercury Returns Retrograde From May 10th to June 3rd

Behold another retrograde season is upon us this month of May making this the second of four total retrograde periods this year. Mercury will be taking the road less traveled in its home sign of Gemini. We have had the space in between to re-regulate the nervous system and move forward with grace. This retrograde period coincides with a lovely eclipse season, so be sure things are in working order before we get started. You know the drill - back up your devices, get your oil changed, send the emails to prepare now.

Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Blood Moon on May 16th

Need I say more?

The scorpio aspects of living will be here to dance with us till the fall time. Which means getting comfortable in aspects of sexuality, power, money, and greed.

If you felt like the eclipses on April 30th were an opening of sorts this will be your redirection to the path potential.

Gemini New Moon on May 30th

The reprieve from the month ahead! Perhaps you will now see the other side of the coin which was hidden before. This is going to be a reprieve from the astrological movement from the month ahead so hang in there.

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