Supernatural and The Reusable Revolution
10-13-2020Humans create a lot of plastic.
9.1 BILLION Tons of plastic has been produced since plastic was introduced in the 1950s. The amount of plastic produced in a year is roughly the same as the entire weight of humanity. Our consumption habits are causing this exponential increase in plastic. In fact, according to Euromonitor, the home care industry alone generated 29.5 billion plastic containers in 2015
So, where does all this plastic go?

A study in 2015 estimates that five million to 13 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean each year - There is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way. Beautiful sentence. Terrible reality.
And it gets worse...
Roughly 12 billion metric tons of plastic waste will be in landfills or in the natural environment by 2050. If plastic production isn’t curbed, plastic pollution will outweigh fish pound for pound by 2050.
What can you do?
You can start with purchasing reusable products. Our spray bottles are 85% plastic-free with a 100% recyclable beautiful frosted glass base that can be used over and over. Glass bottles are 100% recyclable and an estimated 80% of recovered glass containers are made into new glass bottles.
The best part is you only have to buy them once. They are made to be reusable. Together, we can eliminate over a billion single-use plastic bottles per YEAR in the US alone. Not just plastic reduction, we’re also dedicated to reforestation, using only non-toxic plant-based ingredients, and lowering our carbon footprint.
Imagine the kind of world we can create.
If every home in the US switched to reusable glass bottles for their cleaning (like supernatural has) for a year, we could prevent 160,000 tons of plastic from being generated. That’s the weight of a 1000 blue whales in just one year.
This is our mission. We’re committed to changing the way we do business and prove that sustainability works better for us all in the short term and, more importantly, for our descendants. Building a better future isn’t just about going reusable though, there are many fronts we can be working on now to raise the industry standard. Single-use plastics are a problem we can see and can tackle that issue now by buying durable glass products that have reusability as their focus.

Carbon Footprint
The problems are not only plastics though, other deeper issues such as cO2 Pollution from transporting, treating, and heating water for chemical cleaners are also impacting the environment. We can slow that down simply by using more reusable products that focus on concentrates rather than full bottles of toxic chemical cleaners.
When you buy your cleaning products in bulk and re-use your spray bottles and containers, you can reduce your amount of plastic packaging, thereby reducing your carbon footprint by an average of 3 pounds of CO2 per cleaning product.
Supernatural makes conscious concentrates so that the cO2 pollution is kept at a minimum and we further offset that pollution by planting 2 trees with every order. Doing business doesn’t have to hurt our planet, we can work with the natural world and still accomplish getting the necessary chores done that make our lives more comfortable.
Go Natural
Americans, on average, spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. Phosphorus, nitrogen, ammonia, and chemicals grouped under the term “Volatile Organic Compounds” as the worst environmental hazards in household cleaners. In 2017 cleaning substances account for the 2nd most frequent type of poisoning for children under 6 with over 100,000 cases.
When you sterilize your home with these chemicals you're also sterilizing the life energy of your home. You breathe these pollutants in and have them around the food you eat.
That’s why we make our products from Mother Nature herself. We want to energize and rejuvenate the energy of your home while you do your cleansing rituals! Bring life and magic to your surroundings. Breathe easier and eat your food knowing that your home is cleansed and reinvigorated by a cleaner that cares about those things.

To Wrap Things Up
We take our job at Supernatural seriously when it comes to loving our homes, our bodies, and our planet. We understand that cleaning your home is a necessity, we simply want to make that ritual as natural and cleansing as possible. We will continue to commit ourselves to a healthier planet by keeping our path forward clear and conscious. Always do your research and don’t ever feel like you’re not doing enough. Every small step towards helping the environment is worthy of honor and praise. We’re all in this together, this is our home. Let’s keep it clean and growing abundantly.